Our product development and technology teams are constantly raising the bar on what a business and billing automation platform can do.
Here is what we have released this month.
New Integrations
Integra Pay Direct Debit from Bank Account
Emersion now integrates to IntegraPay for direct debit from bank account payments. Information about our other supported payment merchants and vendors can be found here.
Two new inbound integrations
MaxoTech and Think Pickle Inbound join the list of inbound (e.g. 1300 and 1800 phone lines) service providers in Australia. Other providers with existing inbound integrations include:
- Buroserv
- Coloured Lines
- Comms Code
- Entrust
- FaktorTel
- Fone Dynamics
- FoneBox
- Globe Inbound
- Maxotech
- NetSIP
- Neural Networks
- Optus
- Symbio
- Telstra
- Think Pickle
- M2/ Vocus
- Virtutel
- Vonex
New Zealand
- Think Pickle
- Spark Wholesale
- Vodaphone
A new Australian VoIP Providers (Maxotech Voice)
Emersion has finished building an integration to MaxoTech Voice. Other VoIP billing integrations include:
- MaxoTech Voice
- Symbio
- Virtutel
New Zealand
- 2 Talk
Release Notes
For full details about these updates and other release information please view the release notes. If you are ready to improve your business call us now on +61 3 8658 9400.